Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Op-shop gods

21.kalender, originally uploaded by juffrouwjo.

As Kirsty always says, let the op-shop gods know what you want and eventually it will come to you. (Or something like that.) Yesterday whilst pottering around Savers, I picked up a ceramic salt cellar with a wooden lid for HP, as he'd been wanting one for a while now. As luck would have it, there were two there waiting for me, so I picked my fave, and toddled home with it. "Just like Nanna's!" said HP.

I was also looking at my "op-shop will provide" list again in the sidebar, I've got down there "78 records"...well I also picked out a few yesterday out of the stack that had recently been donated to Savers. I got a Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, and a couple of others which I might blog tomorrow. Yay!

So in that spirit, oh op-shop gods, I'm after a vintage perpetual calendar, sort of like this one I found on Flickr. I'm getting a happy little collecting of vintage desk stuff going, and I'd love to add one of these. Please?


nomes said...

i'll keep my eye out this end

Levin said...

oooh i love op shop finds. i scored an old portable typewriter for my daughter - she loves it. now i just need to find out where to get ribbons from.......
hope you op shop dreams are fulfilled!

CurlyPops said...

I'll add it to my hunting too!

The Essess said...

Well I will keep an eye out in Ballarat direction! You nevr know what you may find! Think positive and it will come...

Pic from Miss Retro Modern's fab collection here.
