And to justify my self indulgence, let's make today 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday'! What's one of your favourite songs ever? You Tube it or just tell us all about it and why you like it. PS. If you play along with "love Fridays" don't forget to do that as well.
PPS. I think I got around to nearly everyone in Blogtoberfest and commented...if I didn't call by your blog, it's because work blocked it as a "chatroom"...yes it does that to some blogs all the time. Particularly Linda and Anastasia. And yes, I should be working.
PPPS. I better do my own meme! This song makes me think of being a teenager in the 80's, to me it's the musical equivalent of one of my favourite films. I love the lyrics, the sense of yearning, loss and possibility it contains, and the Triffids were a great band. The vid is a bit naff, but hey, it was the 80's.
One of my more recent faves would be this one.
Oooh, what a great idea! Will have to have a think about this, I have so many fave songs :)
I'm still working my way through the list of Blogtoberfesters telling them about it! sooo many :P
you'll get through! I wanted to let you know I posted... what a great idea! it was difficult to figure out what to pic, but i think i chose wisely. :)
Ummm, a lot to choose from. Have many faves from many genres... Crap songs I will dance to at a wedding, soppy sings I will sing with the girls, memory songs, 80s INXS songs, etc... Maybe have to think about this...
Cool idea, I know who I want to post about but need to figure how to post a you tube clip on my blog! Yikes...
OK Ms Drewzel I'm in but it was a rush and next Friday I might hit the nostalgia files for something closer to home. Have a great weekend! Chooky
I will absolutely play along when I post later today! It's a very favourite-y sort of Friday...
Right now my faves are pretty much EVERYTHING from The Cat Empire, or "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Such great almost-summer tunes!
Two Cheese Please
I've posted mine!
Thanks for your help, Ive posted and now I know how to you will probably see more videos thanks.
I've posted mine too. Great idea!
okay I have posted mine but it is only a link as I did not know how to do the whole you tube clip thingy!!!
Have a great weekend
Just did it... so hard to choose!
Great idea drewzel, I am having heaps of fun checking out the songs. My workplace does that too - very odd.
I added mine! What fun. It's great to see what everyone likes!
I've done mine! What a great idea, can't wait to see everyone else's.
I've added mine too. Happy Friday everyone!
Thanks for calling by.
Trying to choose one now!
You got me kiddo. Me and my boy are singing for you (bet you didn't know I was one of the back up singers - in my dreams...)
Thanks for dropping by!! Great choice of meme! I've posted... pop by and see. :)
ahh, the eighties were a lot of fun for me too :)).great song.
I picked one from my favourites list but there are sooo many more. there's always next friday right!
Thanks for letting me know about your Fav Friday, I missed it though as I was away from my computer. Hope you had fun!
Oh, great idea Steph! I'm not Blogtober-festing. October is just TOO busy. However, favourite song. Difficult one. I was driving in my car today and singing along with You Am I Saturday Night Round Ten - Heavy Heart and thought, well this song is just tops. I would kiss Tim Rogers if I saw him in the street...
I love Heavy Heart, it's up there with my favourite songs!
I'm so behind the times, I know. But I've just posted my current fave think it counts as a song...
Anyway, three days late but I'm hoping better late than never. Seems I'm late for everything these days *sigh*
Thanks for popping by and putting the music theme into my head. I ended up doing my whole post on music-related stuff (and have spent WAY too much time on youtube today....)
Cheers, Bec
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