It's probably in bad taste to post this when it's blogging against poverty day, but peeps! Check out the cupcake I just bought across the street. Choccy with ganache on top...it's too sickly even for me, but if I was doing "One good thing a day" like these guys, this one would be mine today.
PS. If you're feeling irked that you didn't get a cupcake, it will behoove you to know that I now feel ill after eating all that sugar.
Oh! Tea is Delicious! Look at that lovely setup. Double delicious! I must day that I haven't really been over here for a few days - and it's looking very nice, Ms Steph. I hope you are having a lovely Sunny day.... and thanks for being so nice and visiting my blog and leaving nice comments too. It's really very nice to hear from you! I must zoom - I have a lemon tart just this side of setting in the oven.. the unset side of setting.. if you know what I mean! Look forward to seeing you soon.
I've been inspired by your previuos post and posted my own one for Blog Action Day. So now can I have a cupcake? ;)
Still working on my six things, btw! I thought of one before, but it's gone again, drat...
Eeek! I want one right now...why do you tease me so?
Yum! Yum! in my Tum! Tum! Probably not good for my diabetes, I will just admire yours!
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