I see Pip beat me to a witty quip about flat Stanley (one of my favourite kids books). But in fact its really Stanley's flat, right? Nice place to be flat-sitting.
(pôr'shən, pōr'-) n.
1. A section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole.
2. A part separated from a whole.
3. A part that is allotted to a person or group, as:
i. A helping of food.
ii. The part of an estate received by an heir.
iii. A woman's dowry.
4. A person's lot or fate.
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." - Anais Nin
Just a nice FURRY STANLEY!
Sounds like a nice little holiday for you, Ms Steph!
I see Pip beat me to a witty quip about flat Stanley (one of my favourite kids books). But in fact its really Stanley's flat, right? Nice place to be flat-sitting.
w00t. So that means no super trek home after city events? Craftea needed, stat!
he's lovely! cat sitting is non eventful, if you get some more cats you could have your very own itteh bitteh kitteh committeh
I'm concerned Steph....what exactly is Stanley sitting on?
um...ahem...isn't that a chicken she's sitting on?? Evil pusscat!
Rubber chicken folks. Don't stress :P
he's a handsome boy!
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